
vineri, 22 februarie 2013

Unghii cu Guler - Collar Nails

   Astazi m-am gandit sa imi fac un model de unghii cu gulerasul lui Peter Pan, iar pentru ca manichiura sa nu fie monotona, am adaugat putin sclipici mov. 
  Today I thought to make myself a nail's model with the Peter Pan collar, and in order to avoid that the manicure to be humdrum, I added purple glitter. 

   Ai nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-ti proteja unghiile naturale, o oja alba si una mov pentru fundal, un lac negru pentru model, un lac transparent, strasuri, sclipici si perlute mov, vopsea acrilica alba,o pensula subtire si un instrument pentru puncte.
   You need : A base coat to protect your natural nails, a white nail polish and a purple one for the background, a black nail polish for the model, a clear nail polish, purple strasses, glitter and pearls, white acrylic paint, a thin brush and a dotting tool.
   Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiant, Farmec #50 si Farmec #364 pentru fundal, Rimmel London #080 pentru model, vopsea acrilica alba de la BPS si Flormar pentru uscare rapida si extra stralucire.
   I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmec #50 and Farmec #364 for the background, Rimmel London #080 for the model, white acrylic paint from BPS and Flormar for quick dry and extra shine.

  Am aplicat baza pe intreaga suprafata a unghiilor, pentru ca modelul sa reziste mai mult timp, incercand pe cat posibil sa evit atingere cuticulelor cu oja:
  I applied the base over the entire nails surface, so that the model will last longer, trying to avoid as much as posible to touch the cuticles with the nail polish:

Am folosit oja alba si pe cea mov pentru fundalul unghiilor:
I used the white nail polish and the purple one for the background:

La baza unghiilor de la degetul mic si mijlociu am adaugat cate un stras mov:
At the base of the little finger nail and the middle one I applied a purple strass:

Pe unghia degetului inelar am adaugat sclipici mov:
On the ring finger nail I added purple glitter:

Iar pe cea de la degetul mare am adaugat pana la jumatate un strat de oja transparenta, iar la baza am adaugat din nou sclipici mov:
And on the thumb finger nail I added on half of the nail a top coat, and at the base I added again purple glitter:

Surplusul se imprastie inegal pe suprafata unghiei daca aceasta este tinuta vertical si miscata lent:
The excess will spread on the nail's surface if you will keep it vertically and move it slow:

Am facut fundalul unghiei de la degetul aratator cu oja neagra, fara a acoperi lunula:
I made the background from the index finger nail with the black nail polish, except the lunula:

Am trasat o linie curba pentru delimitare si inca doua pentru guler, folosind pensula subtire si vopseaua acrilica alba, pe care apoi am colorat-o cu aceeasi culoare:
I drew a curved line for delimitation and another two for the collar, using the thin brush and the white acrylic color, and then I colored it with the same color:

Am adaugat trei puncte albe, iar deasupra am pus cate o perluta mov:
I added three white points, and over them I put purple pearls:

   La sfarsit am adaugat un strat de oja transparenta pentru mai multa stralucire si pentru a fixa sclipiciul.
   At the end I added a top coat for extra shine and to fix the glitter.

26 de comentarii:

  1. Muito lindo!! Adorei todas as unhas!!
    Mil bjos
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` **Cláudia Senamo

  2. Amazing - I like it. I follow You now. It is a pity that I can not paint so beautifully. I greet :)

    1. Thank you. I will follow you back. I'm sure, in time, you will make amazing mani :)

  3. Super frumoase :* imi plac sclipiciul si pietricele mov

  4. Amazing, perfect

  5. Very nice and my favorite color also which is purple. Love the glitter.

  6. Offf,cu riscul de a ma repeta,ma omori cu modelele tale,este adorabil!!

  7. cute and adorable as all of your nail art designs :) I'm jealous :D
