duminică, 2 februarie 2014

Unghii cu Inimioara Acrilica - Acrylic Heart Nails

   Am primit de curand un lichid acrilic de la Baff.ro , iar pentru aceasta manichiura m-am gandit sa il folosesc pentru a crea un model 3D.
   Lately, I received from Baff.ro an acrylic licquid, and for this manicure I thought to use it in order to create a 3D model. 
   Am avut nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-mi proteja unghiile, un lac alb pentru fundal, un lac transparent, lichid acrilic, pudra acrilica transparenta, sclipici auriu, un recipient pentru lichid, o pensula Nr. 5 si una evantai si o cutiuta goala.
  I needed : A base coat to protect my nails, a white nail polish for the background, a top coat, acrylic liquid, transparent acrylic powder, gold glitter, a liquid container, a brush Nr. 5 and a fan one and a empty box.
   Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiant, Farmec #50 pentru fundal, Flormar pentru uscare rapida si extra stralucire, pudra acrilica transparenta si pensula Nr. 5 (pe care le puteti gasi si pe Baff.ro), lichid acrilic 2M Beauty de la Baff.
   I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmec #50 for the background, Flormar for quick dry and extra shine, clear acrylic powder and brush Nr. 5 (which you can also fing on Baff.ro),2M Beauty acrylic liquid from Baff.

   Am aplicat un strat de oja pentru baza, astfel incat modelul sa reziste mai mult:
   I applied a base coat, in order that the model to resist longer:

Folosind oja alba, am facut fundalul unghiilor:
Using the white nail polish, I made the nail's background:

Pe unghia degetului mijlociu am adaugat putin sclipici auriu, iar surplusul l-am inlaturat folosind pensula evantai:
On the middle finger nail I added a little bit of gold glitter, and I removed the surplus using the fan brush:

Am pus jumatate de cantitate de sclipici si jumatate de pudra acrilica transparenta, pe care le-am amestecat cateva secunde:
I put half the amount of glitter and half of clear arylic powder, which I mixed a few seconds:

In recipient am pus o patrime de lichid acrilic. Am introdus varful pensulei in acesta si am sters surplusul de marginea recipientului, iar dupa l-am introdus din nou in praful acrilic cu sclipici. Dupa cateva secunde s-a format o biluta:
In the container I put one fourth of acrylic liquid. I placed the brush in it and I wiped the surplus on the container border, and after that I placed it again in the acrylic powder with glitter. After a few seconds a little ball formed:

Am adaugat biluta de acril formata pe unghia degetului inelar. Cu varful pensulei am modelat intreaga suprafata pana cand s-a format o jumatate de inimioara:
I added the little acrylic ball formed on the ring finger nail. Using the brush top I shaped the entire surface until half of a little heart formed:

Folosind aceeasi procedura, am facut o alta jumatate pana cand s-a format o inimioara:
Using the same method, I made another half untile the little heart formed:

Pe varful unghiei, am facut o alta inimioara putin mai mica:
On the nail's corner, I made other heart but smaller:

   La sfarsit am adaugat un strat de oja transparenta, inclusiv pe inimioare.
   At the end I added a top coat, inclusive on the hearts.

60 de comentarii:

  1. wow, amazing :))


  2. that's a very nice effect, congrats :)

  3. This looks beautiful -- white and gold are a great combination, and the 3D effect is pretty!

  4. so beautiful :) i love it very very much :)

  5. those hearts are absolutely gorgeous, i love this manicure.

  6. machiura este absolut superba !!!


  7. So pretty! I haven't tried using acrylics yet

  8. This manicure looks so pretty :D I would like to wear it :)

  9. imi place foarte mult modelul tau inimioarele sunt atat de dragute, am de anul trecut o sticluta de lichid acrilic si pudra dar inca nu am indraznit sa realizez un model cu ele al tau pare destul de simplu asa ca cine stie :)

    1. Multumesc. Nici eu nu folosesc acril foarte des, insa acum s-a ivit ocazia :)

  10. The hearts look so nice with the gold glitter. Just perfect :)

  11. Cooool! Now I know how to make acrylic stuff.

  12. Hearts are amazing! I fell in love with them!!

  13. I've never heard about that acrylic product! I am staggered, gorgeous mani!

  14. Glamourous hearts :)) Love it

  15. you're so creative, I love the nail art and the method you used, you make it seems so easy :)
