vineri, 28 februarie 2014

Unghii cu Unicorn - Unicorn Nails

   Cu toate ca vroiam de mult timp o manichiura cu unicorn, abia astazi am avut putin mai mult timp liber pentru a-mi face acest model.
   Although I wanted for some time a manicure with an unicorn, only today I had a little more free time to make this model. 

   Am avut nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-mi proteja unghiile, un lac roz pal pentru fundal, un lac negru, vopsea acrilica alba, una mov deschis, una mov inchis si una alba sidef pentru model, un lac roz cu sclipici si unul transparent si o pensula subtire.
   I needed : A base coat to protect my nails, a pale pink nail polish for the background, a black nail polish, a white acrylic paint, a light purple one, a dark purple one and a white mother-of-pearl one for the model, a pink nail polish with glitter and a top coat and a thin brush.
   Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiant, Farmec #20 pentru fundal, Farmasi #83, 2M Beauty #18, 2M Beauty #447, 2M Beauty #443 si 2M Beauty #017 pentru model, Farmec #33 si Flormar pentru uscare rapida si extra stralucire.
   I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmec #20 for the background, Farmasi #83, 2M Beauty #18, 2M Beauty #447, 2M Beauty #443 and 2M Beauty #017 for the model, Farmec #33 and Flormar for quick dry and extra shine.

   Am aplicat un strat de oja pentru baza, astfel incat modelul sa reziste mai mult timp:
   I applied a base coat, in order that the model to resist longer:

Folosind oja roz pal, am facut fundalul unghiilor:
Using the pale pink nail polish, I made the nail's background:

Pe unghia degetului inelar am trasat cateva linii curbe, astfel incat sa se formeze bustul unui unicorn:
On the ring finger nail I drew a few curved lines, so that to form the unicorn bust:

Am colorat partea libera dintre marginea unghiei si linia curba cu alb, iar conturul l-am facut cu negru:
I colored the free space between the edge of the nail and the curved line withe white, and I made the contour with black:

Am facut cateva detalii astfel incat sa se formeze nasul si ochiul unicornului:
I made some details so that to form the nose and the eye of the unicorn:

Folosind cele doua vopsele acrilice mov am facut coama unicornului, iar cu cea alb sidef am desenat cornul acestuia:
Using the two purple acrylic paints I made the mane horse, and with the white mother-of-pearl I drew his corn:

   La sfarsit, am aplicat un strat de oja transparenta pe unghia degetului inelar, iar pe celelalte un strat de oja roz cu sclipici.
   At the end, I added a top coat on the ring finger nail, and on the others  a coat of the pink nail polish with glitter.

60 de comentarii:

  1. Draguta manichiura, imi plac mult culorile pe care le-ai utilizat, iar oja cu sclipici creaza senzatia de poveste :)

  2. WOW niesamowite!!!

    Dziękuję za tutorial!

  3. Hi dear Claudia, very nice nail art, love all the colours, especially the pink used as a base and the glittery rose,

  4. Claudia maravilhoso o desenho das suas unhas!!!!
    muito obrigada pela visita ao meu blog, já estou te seguindo aqui.
    bjos - ALINE - BRASIL
    Claudia its wonderful design and your nails!!!
    thank you for visiting my blog, I'm already following you here.
    by - ALINE - BRASIL

  5. What a cute mani! This is perfect for me! :)

  6. Unicorns! I love them! I'm such a child, I know it;)
    Love that mani, you're so talented!:)

  7. Belíssimas, Obrigada por sua visita... Beijos e sucesso!!

  8. I love your Blog
    Would you like us to follow each other ?
    if yes, just follow me and let me know so i can follow you back

  9. very nice manicure!!! it's so beatiful!

  10. I love that unicorn ♥ I will try it :)

  11. Hi,
    Thank you very much.
    I will check it :)

  12. So adorable... I love unicorns!!

  13. WOW the unicorn is very cute! :)

  14. OH wow, this is awesome! So pretty and magical ~

  15. wow, what a cute nail art!
    I really like that unicorn ;)

    Xx Julia
