joi, 24 octombrie 2013

Unghii de Halloween - Halloween Nails

   Dupa cateva zile in care nu am postat nimic, pentru manichiura de astazi am ales un model specific Halloween-ului. De asemenea, acum cateva zile i-am facut Ancai manichiura, iar tutorialul il puteti gasi pe site-ul ei.
   After a few days in which I didn't post anything, for today's manicure I chose a model specific for Halloween. As well, a few days ago I made to Anca a manicure, and you can find the tutorial on her site.

   Am avut nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-mi proteja unghiile, un lac alb pentru fundal, un lac negru pentru model, un lac transparent si o pensula subtire.
   I needed : A base coat to protect my nails, a white nail polish for the background, a black nail polish for the model, a top coat and a thin brush.
   Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiant, Farmec #50 pentru fundal, Rimmel London #800 pentru model si Flormar pentru uscare rapida si extra stralucire.
   I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmec #50 for the background, Rimmel London #800 for the model and Flormar for quick dry and extra shine.

   Am aplicat un strat de oja pentru baza, astfel incat modelul sa reziste mai mult timp:
   I applied a base coat, in order that the model to resist longer:

Am facut fundalul unghiilor, folosind oja alba:
I made the nail's background, using the white nail polish:

Pe unghia degetului aratator, am trasat o linie curba pe varf si un oval:
On the index finger nail, I traced a curved line on the corner and an oval:

In partea stanga, am facut o cruciulita neagra si una alba in centrul ovalului:
On the left side, I made a little black cross and a white one in the oval's center: 

 Iar in partea dreapta am facut inca un oval in varful caruia am facut inca o cruciulita si cateva liniute verticale:
And on the right side I made another oval on top of which I made another little cross and some vertical little lines:

Pe unghia degetului mijlociu, am facut aproximativ acelasi model:
On the middle finger nail, I made approximately the same model:

Insa in partea dreapta, am facut un dreptunghi si un triunghi, iar apoi am adaugat cateva detalii:
But on the right side, I made a rectangle and a triangle, and then I added some details:

Pe unghia degetului inelar, am trasat o linie curba pe varf si am facut o cruciulita:
On the ring finger mail, O traced a curved line on the top and I made a little cross:

Pentru a desena pisicuta, am facut doua punctulete unite de o linie:
In order to draw the kitty, I made two dots united by a line:

Iar in partea dreapta, am facut din nou o cruciulita cu un cerc in interior:
And on the right side, I made again a little cross and a circle in the inside:

   La sfarsit, am adaugat un strat de oja transparenta.
   At the end, I added a top coat.

42 de comentarii:

  1. big Like!!!!<3
    Superb modelu.

  2. Ce frumoase suuunt! Initial am crezut ca ai pus stickere, a iesit f bine modelul :D

  3. goregous!!

  4. Great tutorial! Your index finger's really scary:)
    I'm following your an amazing blog:)

  5. Cool! This is perfect for Halloween!

  6. Fantastic acest model de Halloween, imi place foarte mult :*

  7. Halloween is near... cute nail design.

  8. This is mani for Halloween, very intersting and cat is sweet and dark :D

  9. inca un model care-mi place. Simplu si interesant

  10. You make it look so easy... I'm going to give it a try. It's so cute and spooky!

  11. So beautiful! I like the slight perspective distortion! Really creates that arty feel! :)

  12. These are amazing! Great job sweetie :)

  13. My favourite is your middle finger, but that cat is cute too. :)
