
Daca acum cateva zile v-am spus despre noii mei ochelari de soare, pentru astazi am pregatit, impreuna cu cei de la Firmoo, un giveaway. Premiul consta intr-o pereche de ochelari de soare sau de vedere cu lentile standard de 1.5, dar si in 5 vouchere cu o reducere de 50% din pretul ochelarilor din categoria Classic Series si al transportului.
If a few days ago I told you about my new pair of sunglasses, for today I prepared, together with Firmoo, a giveaway. The prize is a pair of sunglasses or eyeglasses with 1.5 vision lenses, but also 5 vouchers which saves 50% off the selected eyewear and covers free shipping from Classic Series category.
Personal, am fost foarte multumita de calitatea produsului primit de la cei de la Firmoo, cel mai popular magazin online de ochelari din lume, astfel incat sper ca si castigatorii sa fie la fel de incantati de produsele alese.
Personal, I was very satisfied with the quality of the product received from Firmoo, the world's most popular online eyeglasses store, so that I hope that the winners to be as excited as me by the products chosen.
Pentru a participa, trebuie sa:
1. Lasati un comentariu cu linkul perechii de ochelari preferate din categoria Classic Series.
2. Dati share public fotografiei de concurs. ( Comentariile lasate pe blog trebuie sa contina si link-ul share-ului.)
3. Dati like paginii mele de Facebook .
4. Dati like paginii de Facebook a celor de la Firmoo .
5. Vizitati site-ul Firmoo.com. Asa cum v-am spus si in articolul anterior, acestia ofera noilor clienti o prima pereche de ochelari de soare gratis, cumparatorii fiind obligati doar sa suporte costul transportului, iar, daca doriti, puteti da share acestei oferte pe Facebook.
In order to participate, you have to :
1. Leave a comment with the item link of your favourite glasses from the Classic Series Category .
2. Share public the giveaway photo . ( The comments leaved on blog must include the share link )
3. Like my Facebook page .
4. Like Firmoo Facebook page .
5. Visit the site Firmoo.com . As I told you in the previous article, they offer a first pair free of sunglasses for new customers, the transport is the only thing that the buyers will pay, and, if you want, you can share this offert on Facebook.
In cazul in care nu aveti un cont de Facebook, puteti lasa comentariul pe blog si trebuie sa respectati regulile 1 si 5.
If you do not have a Facebook account, you can leave the comment on the blog and you have to follow the rules 1 and 5.
Daca aveti nelamuriri in ceea ce priveste comanda sau transportul, puteti gasi detalii aici sau aici. Participantii trebuie sa provina din una dintre tarile in care Firmoo face livrari; puteti verifica lista accesand urmatorul link : http://www.firmoo.com/help-p-84.shtml .
If you have questions about the order or the shipping & tracking, you can find details here or here . The participants must be in Firmoo range of delivery; you can check the list accessing the following link : http://www.firmoo.com/help-p-84.shtml.
Perioada concursului : 17.11.2013 - 24.11.2013 .
Giveaway period : 17.11.2013 - 24.11.2013 .
Mult succes tuturor!
Good luck to all!
Good luck to all!!!
Sorry that I am telling you this, but if you want to participate you have to choose your favorite glasses from Classic Series and then leave a comment with the link.
ȘtergereThis is a great giveaway! Good luck to everyone!
Thank you. If you want to participate too, please leave a comment with the link of your favourite glasses from Classic Series.
ȘtergereGreat giveaway!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereBesos, desde España, Marcela♥
Thank you. You can also participate, if you want; all you have to do is to write a comment in which you tell which glasses from Classic Series you preffer.
ȘtergerePreciosas gafas. Besos
RăspundețiȘtergereI am glad that you like them. If you want to participate, please leave a comment with your favorite glasses from Classic Series.
ȘtergereLove Firmoo!! Wish everyone good luck!
RăspundețiȘtergereI am glad that you like it, buit if you want to participate, you have to let a comment with your favourite glasses fromthis category : http://www.firmoo.com/classic-series.html .
Ștergere1. http://www.firmoo.com/eyeglasses-p-2420.html#3804
RăspundețiȘtergere2. Share here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=535498623211099&id=411819398912356
3. FB: One more dress
4. FB: One more dress
5. -
Hi Claudia, I wish so much to have this glasses http://www.firmoo.com/eyeglasses-p-2420.html#3804, I wear my old one for almost ten years and I need to change them for something new. I will keep my fingers crossed.
RăspundețiȘtergereSo I choose
1. http://www.firmoo.com/eyeglasses-p-2420.html#3804
2. Share the photo here on FB https://www.facebook.com/lookreacja.pi/posts/1436748816546561
3. I like yours FB as Lookreacja P.
4. I like Firmoo FB as Lookreacja P.
Best wishes ;)
Thanks for your lovely words on my last post!
RăspundețiȘtergereGood luck for everyone taking part!
Have a great day,
I'm glad that you like it