miercuri, 5 februarie 2014

Unghii cu Inimioare Colorate - Colourful Heart Nails

   Desi in ultima perioada de timp, majoritatea manichiurilor pe care mi le-am facut au avut un fundal alb, m-am gandit ca si de aceasta data sa optez pentru aceeasi varianta.
   Although lately, most of my manicures had a white background, I thought that this time to choose again the same variant.

   Am avut nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-mi proteja unghiile, un lac alb pentru fundal, un lac roz pal, unul albastru deschis si unul negru pentru model, un lac transparent si o pensula subtire.
   I needed : A base coat to protect my nails, a white nail polish for the background, a pale pink, a light blue one and a black one for the model, a top coat and a thin brush.
   Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiant, Farmec #50 pentru fundal, Farmec #20, Farmasi #112 si Farmasi #83 pentru model si Flormar pentru uscare rapida si extra stralucire.
   I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmec #50 for the background, Farmec #29, Farmasi #112 and Farmasi #83 for the model and Flormar for quick dry and extra shine.

   Astfel incat modelul sa reziste mai mult timp, am aplicat un strat de oja pentru baza:
   In order that the model to resist longer, I applied a base coat:

Am facut fundalul unghiilor, folosind oja alba:
I made the nails background, using the white nail polish:

Pe unghia degetului aratator si mijlociu, am facut aproximativ acelasi model. Folosind cele doua oje colorate, am facut doua pete:
On the index finger nail and the middle one, I made aproximately the same model. Using the two colored nail polishes, I made two spots:

Pentru a desena inimioara, am trasat doua linii curbe unite la capete:
To draw the heart, I made two curved lines united at the ends:

Folosind aceeasi metoda, am mai desenat una in partea dreapta si am trasat cateva linii in plus:
Using the same method, I drew another one in the right side and I traced some more lines:

   La sfarsit am aplicat un strat de oja transparenta.
   At the end I added a top coat.

91 de comentarii:

  1. sunt foarte frumoase, o sa incerc si eu modelul pt V-day :


  2. I love the water color feel in this - very pretty!

  3. Sunt dragute inimioarele,par stampile!<3

  4. This design looks quite pretty has well. Now i don't know which one is my favourite :)

  5. Supercute! I love the colours you picked, this looks really good!

  6. Salut. Sunt nou pe blogul tau, am gasit pagina ta pe Nailpolis.com Muzem of nail art.
    Vad ca si tu esti clujeanca si impartim acelasi pasiune pentru nail art, mica mai este aceasta lume :)
    Adorabila manichiura creata de tine si imi plac mult ojele pastelate pe care le-ai utilizat.
    Pupici, Andrea

  7. this is soo cute and original. :) I like how this looks.

  8. Oh my, those hearts are freehand!! Wow, you're great!

  9. I love this! It looks sooo soft and pretty!

  10. I love this manicure!!! Looks gorgeous! :D

  11. really cute! i love the light blue/light pink as background :)

  12. doamne cat de frumoase sunt. O sa-ti fur si eu modelul pt ca e superb :P
    te pup si spor la unghiute

    1. Multumesc mult de tot. Abia astept sa vad si rezultatul tau :)

  13. Perfect for Valentine's Day! So cute. ;)

  14. Awww it is very cute! I love the way you draw the hearts, it's like if they were painted by using watercolors ^_^

  15. So cute! I love the freehand feel to the hearts and the colour "blobs" behind it.

  16. I like simple nail art like this - it's so effective and pretty! :)

  17. so cute!!! you are very good at doing nails!!! :)
