joi, 13 februarie 2014

Unghii cu Minions - Minions Nails

   Pentru manichiura de astazi am ales sa-mi fac un model cu Minions putin mai diferit, astfel incat sa fie potrivit pentru Ziua Indragostitilor.
   For today's manicure I chose to make myself a Minions model a little bit different, so that it would be adequate for Valentine's Day.
   Am avut nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-mi proteja unghiile, un lac roz pal pentru fundal, un lac alb, unul roz si unul negru pentru model, un lac transparent, inimioare metalice, o pensula subtire si un instrument pentru puncte.
   I needed : A base coat to protect my nails, a pale pink nail polish for the background, a white nail polish, a pink one and a black one for the model, a top coat, hearts studs, a thin brush and a dotting tool.
   Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiant, Farmec #20 pentru fundal, Farmec #50, Elf - Bubble Gum Pink si Farmasi #83 pentru model, Flormar pentru uscare rapida si extra stralucire si inimioare metalice de 4 mm de la KKCenterHk.
   I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmec #20 for the background, Farmec #50, Elf - Bubble Gum Pink and Farmasi #83 for the model, Flormar for quick dry and extra shine and heart studs of 4 mm from KKCenterHk.

   Astfel incat modelul sa reziste mai mult timp, am aplicat un strat de oja pentru baza:
   In order that the model to resist longer, I applied a base coat:

Am facut fundalul unghiilor, folosind oja roz pal:
I made the nail's background, using the pale pink nail polish:

Pe unghia degetului inelar si mijlociu am desenat cate un Minion. Pentru inceput, am facut un patrat pe varful unghiei, iar spatiul ramas liber l-am colorat cu aceeasi oja:
On each ring finger nail and the middle one I draw a Minion. At first, I made a square on the corner of the nail, and I colored the free space using the same nail polish:

In partile laterale am trasat cate o liniuta si am adaugat doua puncte negre:
On the lateral parts I draw two little lines and I added two black dots:

Pentru a-i desena ochii Minionului, am facut doua ovale albe pe care le-am conturat cu negru si am adaugat in centrul lor cate un punct:
In order to draw the Minion's eyes, I made ​​two white ovals which I shaped with black and I added one dot in the center:

La sfarsit am adaugat cateva detalii, iar in centrul patratului am pus o inimioara metalica:
At the end I added some details, and in the square's center I put a heart stud:

   La sfarsit am adaugat un strat de oja transparenta. In plus, folosind codul 'Claudia' veti beneficia de o reducere de 10% pentru toate produsele KKCenterHk.
   At the end I added a top coat. Furthermore, using the code 'Claudia' you will get 10% discount for all the KKCenterHk products.

111 comentarii:

  1. This is adorable! Great tutorial too! The minions look so cute in pink! :)

  2. Sweet!!!

    Bajeczny cukierkowy róż!! Bardzo podoba mi się zdobienie!!

  3. Valentine minions--I love it, so cute!

  4. This is the cutest Minions Design I've ever seen ♥ Have a nice Valentine's Day :)

  5. Pink Minions! That a cool idea! My sis would love that ;)

  6. Hi dear Claudia =) It's to funny this nail art and nicely done! =)
    I love the pale pink you used as a base, really classy and for every day

  7. ow it's so cuuuuute ♥
    mignon mignon mignon ! =)

  8. Foarte draguta si originala manichiura ta!

  9. awww that's really sweet manicure! i find it different than any common vday mani! Good job!

  10. that soooo adorable!!!!! :) i love these!

  11. Hahaha these are adorable!! xo happy valentine's day!

  12. omg so cute!!

  13. Happy Valentine's Day! These are beautiful! :) xx

  14. crazy and sweet :-) love the pink shades

  15. OMG, they are super cute!! Fantastic mani! <3

  16. oh wow such an adorable manicure
    lets follow each other
    Nail Mania

  17. Uhhh, ce dulci unghiute ai tuuu!!! <3 <3

  18. great job, beautiful nails :)
    check out our blog too :)

  19. omg, this one goes in my inspirations folder, awesome manicure <3

  20. Wow! Sweet nails, love it! :)

  21. Thanks for following I followed you back!

  22. Śliczne paznokcie, boski kolorek :)

  23. There are so cute! Very beautiful nails ;-)

  24. So cute, and the heart's minions its brilliant!! I love this manicure!

  25. wonderful! i am in love with this mani ! take care Claudia :)

  26. That's a very lovely nailart! I love minions!

  27. Im so in love with those pink minions!
