vineri, 14 martie 2014

Unghii de Primavara - Spring Nails

   Pentru manichiura de astazi am ales un model de primavara, cu care am decis sa particip la un concurs . Desi, in mod normal, nu v-as cere acest lucru, de data aceasta va rog sa votati aceasta manichiura  (daca va place) NailPolis.
   For today's manicure I chose a spring model, wherewith I deceide to participate at a contest. Although that, normally, I wouldn't ask for it, this time I would like to vote this manicure (if you like it) on NailPolis.
   Am avut nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-mi proteja unghiile, un lac alb pentru fundal, un lac albastru inchis, unul albastru deschis, unul verde inchis si unul verde deschis pentru model, un lac transparent si o pensula subtire.
   I needed : A base coat to protect my nails, a white nail polish for the background, a dark blue nail polish, a light blue one, a dark green one and a light green one for the model, a top coat and a thin brush.
   Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiant, Farmec #50 pentru fundal, Astor #070, Farmec - Pool Party, Elf - Teal Green si Farmasi #117 pentru model si Flormar pentru uscare rapida si extra stralucire.
   I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmec #50 for the background, Astor #070, Farmec - Pool Party, Elf - Teal Green and Farmasi #117 for the model and Flormar for quick dry and extra shine.

   Astfel incat modelul sa reziste mai mult timp, am aplicat un strat de oja pentru baza:
   In order that the model to resist longer, I applied a base coat:

Am facut fundalul unghiilor, folosind oja alba:
I made the nail's background, using the white nail polish:

Pe unghia degetului mic am facut cateva petale albastre, astfel incat sa se formeze cate doua jumatati de floricele:
On the little finger nail I made some blue petals, so that two halfs of little flowers to form:

Iar cu oja verde inchis si cu cea verde deschis, am desenat cateva frunze:
Using the dark green nail polish and the light one, I drew some leaves:

Pe unghia degetului inelar am facut, pentru inceput, un cerc albastru si conturul catorva petale:
On the ring finger nail I made, at first, a blue circle and the contour of some petals:

Am adaugat cateva linii in interiorul petalelor si in partea laterala cateva frunze:
I added some lines inside the petals and some leaves in the side:

Pe unghia degetului mijlociu am facut o floare cu varful petalelor ascutit, folosind oja verde deschis:
On the middle finger nail I made a flower with top sharp petals, using the light green nail polish:

Iar apoi am adaugat cateva detalii:
And then I added some details:

Pe unghia degetului aratator si mare, am facut aproximativ aceleasi modele ca pe unghia degetului mic si inelar:
On the index finger and the thumb one, I made approximately the same model as on the little finger nail and the ring one:

   La sfarsit am aplicat un strat de oja transparenta.
   At the end I added a top coat.

62 de comentarii:

  1. Frumos modelul realizat! Imi place mult.
    Votat! :)

  2. Your spring nails were beautiful! I already voted.


    Um blog sobre esmaltes

  3. Hi dear Claudia, you've a little garden on your nails, lovely! =)

  4. Paznokcie wyglądają obłędnie, poczułam powiew wiosny :)

  5. Very cute nails, ideal for spring! :)

  6. so wonderful design! I love it! These flowers are gorgeous :)

  7. incredible nail art :) already feel spring in the air.

  8. Looks so pretty! Amazing colors! :)

  9. Such a pretty design, and perfect for spring!

  10. que linda super diferente amei! bjs

  11. This is so pretty. The tutorial is so easy to follow thank you :)

  12. I've just voted, really perfect for spring :)

  13. frumoase colorate si de primavara exact cum imi plac mie , pupici :)

  14. These look beautiful -- I love the design and colors! Thanks for a great tutorial!

  15. Gorgeous mani, I love blue and green combo... Voted! ;-)

  16. i really enjoy this springy look, i like how retro and handmade it looks
