marți, 22 aprilie 2014

Romwe International Giveaway

    Incepand din data de 22 Aprilie pana in 26 Aprilie 2014, impreuna cu cei de la Romwe, am organizat un Giveaway pe Pagina mea de Facebook.
   Starting with 22nd April until 26th April, together with Romwe, I organized a Giveaway on my Facebook Page.
    Premiul consta intr-o pereche de colanti in dungi .
   *In plus, in data de 24 Aprilie, puteti gasi acesti colanti la pretul promotional de 9.99$. Introducand codul '10%offleggings' veti mai beneficia de o reducere de 10% si transport gratuit.*

    The prize is a stripe leggings .
   *Furthermore, in 24th April, you can find this leggings at the promotional price of $9.99. Entering the code '10%offleggings' you will receive another 10% discount and free shipping.*
   Durata concursului : 22 Aprilie 2014 - 26 Aprilie 2014
   Giveaway Period : 22nd April 2014 - 26th April 2014

9 comentarii:

  1. i like striped leggings, they are supposed to make you look taller and thinner, and you can also go playful and tim burtonish with them, or semi serious and elegant with a touch of fun, but i am wondering if they would compliment a short full figured woman too..

    1. I'm glad that you like them. As I know, vertical lines make the legs look longer.

  2. Strips're great but unfortunately I feel thick in it. You look pretty awesome. :)

    1. I agree with you, but I still like them.
      Ps: It isn't a picture of me :)
