sâmbătă, 9 august 2014

Unghii cu Snoopy - Snoopy Nails

   Chiar daca pentru ultimele mele articole am folosit stickere pentru unghii, si de aceasta data am optat pentru un astfel de model. Acestea sunt foarte usor de folosit, iar manichiura se realizeaza intr-un timp scurt.
   Even thought for my last articles I used nail stickers, this time I also opted for this model. These are very easy to use, and the manicure can be made in a short time.

   Am avut nevoie de : Un lac de baza pentru a-mi proteja unghiile, un lac albastru pentru fundal, un lac transparent, stickere cu Snoopy, un recipient pentru lichide si o forfecuta.
   I needed : A base coat to protect my nails, a blue nail polish for the background, a top coat, Snoopy stickers, a liquid container and sccisors.
   Eu am folosit : Farmec - Baza complex fortifiat, Farmasi #112 pentru fundal, Flormar pentru uscare rapida si extra stralucire si stickere cu Snoopy de la KKCenterHk.
  I used : Farmec - Base coat fortifying complex, Farmasi #112 for the background, Flormar for quick dry and extra shine and Snoopy stikers from KKCenterHk.

   Astfel incat modelul sa reziste mai mult timp, am aplicat un strat de oja pentru baza:
   In order that the model to resist longer, I applied a base coat:

Folosind oja albastra, am facut fundalul unghiilor:
Using the blue nail polish, I made the nail's background:

Am taiat cateva imagini de pe sticker, pe care le-am adaugat in recipientul cu apa, lasandu-le 20-30 de secunde:
I cut some images from the sticker, which I added in the container full of water, leaving them for 20-30 seconds:

Am inlaturat partea alba a decalcomaniei si am adaugat partea cu modelele pe unghia degetului inelar si mijlociu, presand cateva secunde:
I removed the white part of the decals and I added the part with the models on the ring finger nail and the middle one, pressing a few seconds:

   La sfarsit am aplicat un strat de oja transparenta. In plus, folosind codul 'Claudia' veti beneficia de o reducere de 10% pentru toate produsele KKCenterHk.
   At the I added a top coat. Furthermore, using the code ' Claudia' you will get 10% discount for all the KKCenterHk products.

79 de comentarii:

  1. Bună,
    Vino și ia gratuit imagini animate gif, foarte frumoase pentru blog.
    Colțișor de Rai
    Animated Gif Free

  2. So cute nails!

  3. Nice blue and Snoopy looks so cute :-) Lovely nails.

    Thanks for following me, I'm now following you too :-D

  4. Cute and funny nails!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  5. I love the stickers... And base color is cute ♥

  6. Wow lovely!!!
    Have a nice day!! and my g+ for you!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  7. really pretty nails!


  8. very nice!!!!

  9. So cute! Snoopy is the best!

  10. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  11. HI dear
    Oh cute, love this nailpolish!

  12. such a good work
    new post:

  13. Such a pretty base color and the Snoopy nail decals look adorable!

  14. Thank you very much dear.
    I will follow you.
    Have a beautiful day.

  15. Love your blue polish, and love snoopy even more ;)

  16. so great! I love water decals, it's really quick way to make your nails original :)

  17. your nails look lovely!
    I've just returned from my roadtrip to berlin yesterday and I hope you had the most wonderful vacation as well! I'm looking forward to read all your upcoming articles!

    xx julia

  18. i love snoopy too, he's the cutest <3
