duminică, 10 noiembrie 2013

Review : Firmoo

   Pentru astazi, m-am gandit sa scriu un articol diferit de cele postate pana acum. Desi nu este sezonul ochelarilor de soare, in opinia mea acestia pot fi achizitionati in orice anotimp, iar in sezonul rece pot fi cumparati la preturi mult mai mici.
   For today, I thought to write a different article than those posted untile now. Altough it is not sunglasses season, in my opinion they can be bought anytime, and in winter they have much lower prices.
   Cel mai popular magazin online de ochelari din lume este Firmoo.com , de la care am primit acum cateva zile o pereche de ochelari de soare. In plus, pe site se comercializeaza si ochelari de vedere.
   The world's most popular online eyeglasses store is Firmoo.com, from which I received a pair of sunglasses a few days ago. Plus, on the site are sold eyeglasses too.

   Personal, am fost foarte multumita de modul in care Firmoo isi trateaza clientii. Ochelarii de soare pe care i-am ales, i-am primit dupa doar trei zile de la plasarea comenzii, iar -in plus- nu a trebuit sa fac niciun drum pana la posta vamala, deoarece produsele au venit direct acasa, prin curierat rapid. Pe langa ochelarii de soare, in pachet am mai primit o laveta pentru curatat lentilele, un etui si un saculet pentru ochelari, dar si o surubelnita cu suruburi de rezerva. Cel mai mult mi-a placut ca lentilele sunt standard si au protectie solara.
   Personal, I was very satisfied of how Firmoo treat their customers. I received the sunglasses chosen by me  after only three days from ordering, and -in addition to that- I didn't have to go to the customs post, because the product came directly home, by courier. Besides the sunglasses, in the package I also received a cloth to clean the lens, a pouch and a bag for the glasses, but also a screwdriver with spare screws. What I liked most was that the lens are standard and have UV protection.

   Pentru a fi sigur ca veti face cea mai buna alegere, cei de la Firmoo va ofera posibilitatea de a incerca virtual toate perechile de ochelari prin incarcarea unei poze personale. Preturile sunt foarte rezonabile, avand in vedere calitatea produselor oferite. In plus, in acesta perioada, multe dintre perechile de ochelari beneficiaza de o reducere de pana la 70% din pret.
   In order to be sure that you will make the best choice, Firmoo offers you the possibility to try on all the eyeglasses virtual, by uploading a personal photo. The prices are very reasonable, given that the products' quality. Furthermore, in this period, most pairs of eyeglasses have a discount up to 70%.

   Firmoo ofera noilor clienti o prima pereche de ochelari gratis ; tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa va creati un cont pe site-ul lor, transportul fiind singurul lucru pe care tu il vei plati. 
   Firmoo offers a first pair free of sunglasses for new customers; all you have to do is to create an account on their site, the transport is the only thing that you will pay.

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